Let's put the "we"​ back into wellness.


Originally published on LinkedIn.

Long before COVID hit, wellness has been seen by many as a server of the elite, out of reach and expensive, largely a result of wellness being co-opted by capitalism. Think pricey face masks, exclusive retreats in beautiful destinations, expensive healthy meal subscriptions, skinny bodies wrapped in active wear, crystals… wellness served on a consumerism platter.

At its core, that is not what wellness is about. Wellness is accessible to us all! It's about supporting our mind, body and spirit by living a healthy lifestyle. It’s actively making choices that support all aspects of us: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, mental, environmental, occupational and beyond.

Connection is a major part of humans’ interpersonal wellness; seeing, hugging, and spending time with our friends and family is essential to everyone’s well-being. Ask anyone in America these days and they’ll say that one of the biggest impacts to their lifestyle is not being able to see their loved ones.

Unfortunately, long before COVID ravaged our world, this country has been facing an epidemic of loneliness, depression and isolation. In 1985, the average American had three people in their intimate circles, or people in whom they confided that were important to them, according to a study on social isolation*. In 2004, that number dropped to only one. The study also found that 25% of Americans have no one to confide in at all! This year has certainly shined a spotlight on this epidemic. 

I believe that the way to put the “we” back into wellness starts with empathy. Acknowledging, understanding and honoring our needs as well those of our loved ones and our community is a great way to do that. 

In a world of social distancing, lockdowns and quarantining, our only choice is to get creative. A large part of my job as a Wellness Coach is to come up with creative strategies and ideas to support all aspects of my clients’ lives and their unique needs. 

Here are 9 ways I believe we can use to rebuild our sense of connection and community in COVID times:

  1. Schedule a regular socially distanced walking date with a neighbor

  2. Set up a monthly gratitude Zoom call with friends, or in lieu of meeting family on Thanksgiving

  3. Block off time every day for “me time” to reconnect and tune in to yourself and your needs

  4. Start a thread of your favorite wellness resources and practices on your social channels

  5. Pick a friend or loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while to check in with via phone call or video chat on a monthly basis

  6. Organize a virtual paint & sip with a close group of friends

  7. Set aside time for a weekly game night with your roommates (whether it’s your family or friends!)

  8. Start a virtual meditation group in your town that can evolve once COVID is not a concern

  9. Identify needs of a local non-profit and work with friends and neighbors to collect items

What would you add to this list? I'd love to hear your thoughts - please share in the comments below.


*Smith-Lovin, L., McPherson, M., Brashers, M. “Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks Over Two Decades” American Sociological Review 71:3, 2006


The “We” in Wellness Gift Guide 2020